Friday, January 27, 2012

A cool personality quiz you should take

This personality quiz is really interesting! It's called VisualDNA and, as the name implies, it is an image-based visual personality quiz. For each question, it gives you various pictures to choose from as your answer. I've never seen a personality quiz set up like this before! And...I have taken a lot of them. Lol. (I may do a post in the future with some of my favorite/the most informative/the most entertaining ones. -3- )

Here are some of the answers I chose. *w*

Apparently I am a Harmonizer! Which means I am organized and like when things go according to plan. This is true. And apparently I have great style! But the quiz also tells me I need to exercise more. Um, rude. But still true, lol.

Anyway, if you have some time to kill and/or enjoy taking personality quizzes, I recommend that you take this one! And tell me what your results are. :) Just click the link I gave above and start picking photos! Huzzahhhhhh.

via the Visual DNA website

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Math + Harry Potter = Combination that could only possibly be improved if cats were somehow incorporated

Hahahahahaha oh. This is awesome. I would have given this person full credit.

If you don't get this then ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmm WE ARE PROBABLY NOT FRIENDS ANY MORE. Sorry.

Saturday, January 21, 2012

Caturday: Mini version

Ohhhhhh it's been so loooong since Caturday. *Le tear runs down cheek* 
I already made a blog post today though, so I will keep this cat-post concise.  

Awwwww it looks so weeeiiiirrrrrrrd

HAHAHA rabbit cat. This is creepin' me out. In a good way.

Okay, I saved the best for last. Apparently there is this website called where you can upload a photo of yourself and it will give you a picture of what you supposedly will look like after having aged 20 years. And.....well, this is a Caturday post, so.......just. Just look.

BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA ohhhhhhhhhhhh noooooooooooo I laugh sooooooo hard, ahahahaha! My brain can't even process how simultaneously hilarious and freaky as hell this is. Oh gosh. My entire life.

images via tumblr. It is where I get all my cat photos these days.

L'Occitane is L'Awesome.

The trip Alan and I took to New York last weekend was very exciting and eventful! First we entered the rush lottery for Wicked (the theater for which was literally about a minute's walk from our hotel) and BOTH got our names drawn!! Alan's name was second and mine was around eighth out of about thirteen names that were drawn out of a pool of probably over a hundred entries. I was so excited when Alan's name got called that I was totally dumbstruck when MY name was called as well.... I just kind of stood there for a second, then awkwardly popped out of the lottery-entry group towards the lottery-winner line and yelled "I'm....with him....." while gesturing flailingly towards Alan, since each of us entered for two tickets and I therefore didn't need the ones I had just won. A bunch of people from the entry crowd yelled "TAKE THEM! TAKE THEM!!" but....I did not, lol. And the show was really fantastic! I heart Galinda (with a "GA") aka Glinda (the "Ga" is silent) so much, she made me cackle like a crazy person.

I also spent like a billion dollars at Kinokuniya and saw this badass building:

I also saw a rat in the subway and a dude peeing in broad daylight on the sidewalk of a busy street. Gross.

BUT! Getting back to the topic of this post, I also went to L'Occitane! I kept seeing them ERRYWHERE and then remembered this post on TheGloss and, being a lip balm addict, began bugging Alan to let us go to a L'Occitane store. Lo and behold, the nearest location to our hotel was in the exact same building as the jazz show we went to on Saturday, so I GOT ME SOME LIP BALLLLLLLM. And it is totally awesome. Sooo, naturally, I ordered more stuff from the L'Occitane website once I got home. Lol. They gave me a coupon to get a free Best of L'Occitane sampler pack with a $25 purchase, WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ME TO DOOOOOOO. Just NOT spend more money on expensive soap and lip balm!? That is crazy talk.

I got the Desert Rose balm in the store, but while I was there I also tried the Hibiscus Flower tester smelled awesome. So I ordered it. Lawl.

And the free sampler pack included a bar of their Milk soap, yayyyyyyyy I was gonna order it anyway!! I am a sucker for milk-scented bath products. And honey-scented bath products. HOLY CRAP MILK AND HONEY IS EVEN BETTERRR omgeezie. Okay. That was an amazingly profound and sagacious blog post and I don't think anybody can handle any more of my mind-blowing insights so I am gonna go now.  (ノ ̄ー ̄)ノ