Thursday, March 15, 2012

C-C-C-COMBO BREAKER! Of....not posting...? I guess.

Ohhh nooooooo u gais, I haven't posted in sooo long! I had all the experiments to run and then all the things due and then ALL THE VOMIT GUSHING OUT OF ME because I think I ate something bad? Lol TMI sry. Anyway, we shall celebrate the end to my posting drought in style - meme-style, that is - by having a C-C-C-COMBOOOOOO BREAKERRRR PARTYYYYYYYY! *huzzzzahhhhhhhh*

Let's start off with some topical humor!
Ohohoho, it's funny because it's true.

That is some excellent, high-quality art.
I'd go see it. Slowwwwwpoooooke.

Ahahahahaha oh. I never watched Thomas the Tank Engine.
Mostly because it scared me real bad.

Of course, gotta have a cat-related image thrown in! Didn't you miss this?

And I saved the most hilariously terrible (or terribly hilarious? YOU DECIDE.) one for last:


P.S. So you know that c-c-c-combo breaker is from Killer Instinct, right? Did you play Killer Instinct? Gotta play it in the arcade all old-school, though. Lol actually what am I talking about, video games stress me out real bad so I almost always just watched my brother play. BUT I KNEW THE GAME. And I played every so often. I would be Orchid! She's badass. Oh, the 90s. Meeeeeeemoriiiiiiiies.

via respective watermarked sources and the first one is from....Google image search. lol yay i'm good at sourcing.

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